Fit4Her Football provides a variety of services for all your soccer needs. Please review our different services, which can be customized to your club or organization. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or want a customized service. Click on the image for more information on each services.
Staci Wilson
Sports Performance Coaching Education is available as a clinic for 1-2 days that focus on a specific theme or workshop that is 2-5 days with a variety of topics within the curriculum.
Click on the image for more information.
The International Diplomacy/Grassroots Coaching Education offer sports empowerment programs that teach various skills where creativity, confidence, sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, and entrepreneurship are stressed. Our programs are designed to engage youth, coaches, and administrators.
Click on the image for more information.
Fit4Her Football customized inspirational sports speeches on topics, such as motivation, leadership, team building, gender equity, and collaboration. It can be motivational speeches or business-oriented keynotes built on sports experience.
Click on the image to contact us for your next speaking/presentation event.